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North Vancouver Free Skating the 2022/2023 season

by 아임투데이 2022. 12. 2.





2022/2023 노스밴쿠버에 드디어 무료스케이트가 리오픈했다!!!! 

매일 1-8시까지 운영, 

타는건 무료, 대여는 어른 $7, 어린이 $5




The Skate Plaza reopens for the 2022/2023 season on December 2 at 1pm. The Skate Plaza is open daily 1-8pm until the end of February or March (weather dependent).

Note: snowfall may require brief closures of the ice for snow clearing or a full closure of the ice – get the latest updates on Facebook or Twitter.



  • Skate rentals (limited quantities) are available at a cost of $7 for adults, $5 for kids.
  • Debit and credit card payments are accepted.


